Sunday, January 15, 2012

Leadershape 2011

Part One:
The most involving, ethical, empowering, and inclusive community in my life right now is my Leadershape community. I graduated from Leadershape this past summer with 59 people I didn’t know until the week we spent together. We were divided into families and spent the next few days learning about each other, ourselves, and our leadership style. We bonded during the program and developed a strong support network. We made a Facebook group and we still keep in touch. I see someone I went to Leadershape with every single day at Ohio State, and it is a great feeling.
My Leadershape friends are super encouraging. There are always inspiring quotes, motivational videos, and warm wishes being posted on the Wall. Whenever someone has an idea, they post it and receive tons of feedback. A friend just posted a link to her new Glass Decorating business; another just wrote about a new club he founded. We have had a reunion and many of us are still close friends. In fact, three Leadershapers just went to Israel together, and many of us are involved in the same organizations.
We all have a relationship with each other, and our bond has allowed for us to be open and honest in an inclusive environment. I am so lucky to be a part of this community!
Part Two:
Being optimistic isn’t always easy, but I would say I am a very optimistic person. I also value authenticity. I think it is very important to be genuine, and not just in leadership, but in everything you do. People can sense when you are being honest and real, and that helps me build relationships. I think the best way to nurture hope and optimism in those around me would be to have hope and be optimistic myself. I am a firm believer in leading by example, so I think when others see that I am a positive thinker and hopeful for a better future, they will respond positively as well. I think this is crucial in leadership; if you are not excited and looking forward to a better future, what is your goal? I think an integral part of being a successful leader is having faith in yourself and your members and I try very hard to always be genuine and optimistic. 


  1. I like a lot of what you have to say about leadership and how you view what qualities a leader should posess, especially about being genuine, I wish I would have brought up that in my post, but there is always next time. I liked reading about your leadershape group they sound enlightening and encouraging. I also enjoyed your response about a better future, I like people who are able to think outside the box and think for themselves. It seems to me that the people who are in position to pass laws and help shape the future are not think about the future or thier community, they are consumed with here and now and how much money they will earn, paying no attention to the consquences to others around them. Keep up the positive attitude and I would like to see some of those motivational quotes. Thanks for a good post

  2. Hey MG-
    Great blog! Also, I am so happy that LeaderShape was such a transformational experience for you! I really think that it is important that you surround yourself with people who push you to do better and achieve more. (LeaderShape family cluster love #BOOM) I also really like how you stressed the importance of optimism and being genuine! So true.

  3. MaryGrace,

    I love what you have to say! At the end of our blog when you mention how if someone is not looking forward to an improvement or the future in general, then what is there goal? I think that it is a really moving concept to think about. I totally agree with your outlook of leadership and that you must be genuine to build those close relationships with people. Finally, I have a few close friends who participated in Leadershape this past summer and have nothing but good things to say about it! I am super jealous of your experience and hope to attend Leadershape this summer!

    Great Blog, loved reading it! See you Monday!

  4. I love reading your blog! It was short but provided so much interesting details. As I see it, it seems like you and the other leadershapers seem to have a family type bond going on. I liked your last paragraph where you said that being optimistic isn't always easy, and yes, I agree. Many people tend to be realists or good point.
